Thursday, July 15, 2010


So, you know the people that stand outside the grocery store taking signatures for their petitions? My mom recently informed me that they are paid per signature--interesting, eh? Well, my interaction with one such man today went a little something like this:

Him: Hi ma'm, are you a voter?
Me: Not here.
Him: Damn.
(A slight pause as I walk toward the store entrance.)
Him: Well, are you married?
Me: No.
Him: Hooked up?
Me: (Giggle) I am very much spoken for.
Him: Damn.
(I walk in the store, complete my purchase, and am on my way back to my car.)
Him: Well, I'll catch you on the rebound.

Not so appropriate, strange man who is two decades older than me. Thanks for shopping.

How would you have responded?

1 comment:

Kasia said...

well. I am married, so that eliminates the last half of the conversation. but good call on saying you aren't a voter here- very nice cop out. i will be using that line.

(pralipp- a lip you pray with)