Monday, July 12, 2010


From drama to giggles and from flat bellies to very round ones, we had an amazing time with our family this week. What an amazing group of selfless and forgiving individuals who desire nothing more than to simply love :).

Grandma Bell: Confused, but animated and in rare form. Still kickin!

Grandma: I am convinced, has the world's biggest heart and the world's most exhausted feet.

Ashley: Kept Kasia and I sane, and went to every effort (regardless of whether or not she wanted to) to be of great help and to be involved.

Mom: Always beautiful. It was such a treat to see her at home and in her element. She has such a servant's heart.

Mom's cousins: All came together and sang hyms and a WWII song--so stinkin' cute in their bonnets.

My cousins (on the swinging bridge): There are nine of us. We were ALL together this year, and all lent a helping hand because that's how we were raised, by golly! (There are three missing from this picture, in case you were counting.)

Jenny: Napped, so the rest of us didn't feel guilty for sneaking some shut-eye. She is officially the tallest of us all.

Kasia: The photographer/organizer/planner/best sister ever!

Austin (aka: Little Regan): I simply adore him.

Grandpa: He's been through so much over the last two months, and yet participated, fully in costume, not about to miss seeing his family all together.

Downtown Rockford: Who knew?

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