Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Life changing.

So, Ty picked me up to leave for our trip at 7:00 pm, Friday night. We got the kids (all two of them) and headed on our way. The three girls who had registered to go bailed at the last minute, and that caused Ty a great deal of discouragement. Anyway, we stopped in Silverthorne for dinner, and when we got back in the car to drive through the night, the transmission chose to no longer work.

So, we drove from Silverthorne back to Denver at 25mph. Ty was calling people from church left and right trying to find an alternative car for us to use. The YL leader that had lent us the car we had was at another camp and unreachable. Finally, I called my mom, waking her up in the middle of the night and explained the situation. Ulitmately, she decided to get out of bed and drive to Denver to give us her van to take. SERIOUSLY???!!! Her doing so, however, would mean that she would need a ride home to the Springs. So, Michael, who had previously offered to come pick us up in Silverthorne if we got stuck, drove down to meet us and take my mom home.

Did I mention that this all took place at 12:30am?

Yeah, so we finally got on the road at 1:15am and Michael got home at 3:15. My goodness. I could not believe what those people did to make our trip happen--buy holy canoly am I glad that it happened!!

We had on girl and one guy on the trip, and met up with some guys from Salt Lake City while the majority of the group was from Cheyenne Mountain High School.

The time was aboslutely fantastic! We played from sun up til sun down, and had hilarious program. The speaker did not water anything down, so it was absolutely phenomenal to see how the kids as well as the leaders were all so challenged spiritually.

Wow. What a special trip!!

Ring of fire--who says Christians can't have fun??

Dancin' it up!


Lookin' good for Powell Prom

I enjoy jumping off of things.

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