Friday, January 23, 2009

Encourage your child's creativity. It will pay off.

This morning we had our weekly Friday breakfast. Every Friday the next door neighbors and the girls in my house come together, bring whatever breakfast foods they have that week, and make breakfast. It is so much fun, and we so enjoy each others' company.

Well, this morning, Jess brought Jenae a gift for her birthday (which was two months ago). It was a pair of earrings that she had made. Naturally, Jenae put them on. 

Once breakfast was finished and it was time for Jenae to meet Carol for lunch, she went to grab her coat and dropped one of the earrings in the vent. Of course our house is ancient, and the vent is glued closed. So we went to work. I grabbed chopsticks, and after an unsuccessful search for a flashlight, Jenae grabbed a lighter. 

I fished for a while with the chopsticks, but after realizing that there wasn't enough friction to pick the earring up, we began thinking of other options. Jenae had it. I went to my desk, grabbed a piece of gum, chewed it up a bit, then stuck it on the end of the chopstick. 20 minutes later, we had the earring covered in decades worth of dust and a piece of gum. Hahaha.

This is why we've been best friends since age three. We're great together!


Alli said...

Well, aren't you just a little McGuiver? I don't remember how to spell his name but I DO remember that he used to chew a piece of gum for almost all of his tricks.

Austina said...

Haha. Yup. That's where we got the idea!