Friday, January 23, 2009

It's not that big of a deal

Yesterday was emotional. The world seemed to be crashing down on me, though that was no where near the case. I was just upset because my middle schoolers were rude (shocker) and I had to take the dog's stool sample to the vet during the one break I had that day. 

So what did I do? I called my mommy in tears. What do I do? How am I supposed to deal with forty middle schoolers with attitude? I'm not a teacher! I have not gotten my degree yet! I'm 21, five feet tall, and 100 pounds. How am I supposed to stand up against these kids? Am I too sensitive? Am I too nice? Am I a bad teacher? Am I boring? Am I a bad example? AHH!! Help Mom! The composed nature of her voice was soothing in and of itself. As she reassured me that I didn't have to be treated the way I have been, and that it's not anything that I've done wrong, I found so much comfort in her wisdom and experience. She reminded me that the prinicpal is there for the very purpose of rectifying these kinds of situations and that I'm not alone in this little battle. Thanks mom. I'll cherish your words always.

Then my professor beeped in, and my conversation was over. Noticing that I was upset, he reminded me that I'm "too nice" and that I can show people love and compassion while still maintaining reasonable boundaries in my own life. I'll think about that one.

Then Tim beeped in. I was so excited to see his name come up on my phone. He was able to decipher my concerns through my sobs and reassured me that nothing was as big of a deal as it felt, but never did he make me feel foolish for being upset. He told me to go take two minutes to myself, regroup, then go to my favorite class to learn and enjoy. I did just that. It was wonderful. I was surrounded by teachers who deal with disrespectful students daily that were able to share more wisdom. As we discussed curriculum, my fire was rekindled as I was reminded of the purpose of where I'm at. 

God continues to show me how He is working in every area of my life. I continue to be humbled and taught. 

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