Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Inch by Inch, Row by Row

I'm gonna make this garden grow. I hope...

Raspberry patch (there are a bunch of plants around the yard I can transplant to fill it in).

Future vegetable garden--digging up the stubborn grass.

Raking in some fertile soil.

The planting will begin tonight. Wee!!

1 comment:

Kasia said...

I am so impressed! can you come do mine? jk. where did you get the super cute rocks for the border? I love them! Do you have sprinklers or are you just going to be extra awesome and hand water it? I am really excited about raspberries. I'm coming over when you have delicious fresh food to eat. I love growing things, but this summer I will just grow a baby, and some tomatos for tony. PS if you want my extra 2 tomato plants you can have them even though I already put them in a pot.

(undec- almost undee)