Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Inch by Inch, Row by Row

I'm gonna make this garden grow. I hope...

Raspberry patch (there are a bunch of plants around the yard I can transplant to fill it in).

Future vegetable garden--digging up the stubborn grass.

Raking in some fertile soil.

The planting will begin tonight. Wee!!

Friday, June 10, 2011

To Jane: The Keen Stars Were Twinkling

The keen stars were twinkling,

And the fair moon was rising among them,
Dear Jane!
The guitar was tinkling,
But the notes were not sweet till you sung them

As the moon's soft splendour
O'er the faint cold starlight of Heaven
Is thrown,
So your voice most tender
To the strings without soul had then given
Its own.

The stars will awaken,
Though the moon sleep a full hour later,
No leaf will be shaken
Whilst the dews of your melody scatter

Though the sound overpowers,
Sing again, with your dear voice revealing
A tone
Of some world far from ours,
Where music and moonlight and feeling
Are one.

by Percy Bysshe Shelley

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Leaving Denver

I'm going to miss:
  • the Steinways
  • the bustle
  • the coffee shop
  • the mole hills disguised as mountains
  • the bicycles and long boards
  • the discussions
  • the structure
  • the parks
  • the crazies
  • the exotic
  • the trail (you know the one)
  • the innocence
  • the discoveries
  • the wonder
  • the air
Things I'm looking forward:
  • the stillness
  • the birds
  • the time
  • the colors
  • the sunsets
  • the summer air
  • the laughter
  • the music
  • the bicycle rides
  • the words
  • the family
  • the grill
  • the adventures
  • the runs
  • the anticipation
  • the new journey
  • our new home