Friday, May 6, 2011

Well, Shucks

Remember that feeling when you and your best friend planned an epic play date and got all excited about getting to hang out, but then were shot down by your parents saying "not today, sweetie." Yeah, Kel and I experienced that sort of deflation today--maybe just a bit more intense.

He found out this morning that they are not going to be able to approve his pass to come home for my graduation. Darn! Disappointment is such a bummer--I was so looking forward to getting to celebrate the end of my college career with him by my side, and more importantly for him to get to meet all of my extended family that will be making the journey out here.

He won't always be this far away, and we won't always have such little control over these situations. The poor guy that informed him of his pass being denied has missed two of his children's graduations for similar reasons...

I shed a few tears of disappointment, reflected on how fortunate we are in our love, and now I will continue to look forward to seeing him in July.

1 comment:

Kasia said...

awwwwww :[ I am sad his RSVP to my amazing party is a no. BUT it's ok. he can skype into the party. it's almost like being there except he can't have any of my amazing sangria :[ I am so sad for you guys- I remember how nice it was for Tony to come home for graduation if only just for 2 days. lots of love and perseverance. and remember, absense just makes the heart grown fonder.

(evocant. this one is not as funny.)