Sunday, January 30, 2011

Just Keep Swimming...

After service, she came up to me with abounding enthusiasm and showered me with compliments. She loves music. Then her smile dimmed, though only some, as she began to tell me that they received news that the doctors have done all that they can and now it is just a matter of time...

A far too familiar story for so many.

We must be so considerate as we speak of heartache and grief with adults. Everyone processes differently, and to simply be blunt is thought to be insensitive. With children, it is a different story. As I continue to spend time working with and loving on her children, concerns are raised and heartache is discussed. "We don't think that mommy will be living much longer" are words that are almost more my ears can bear to hear. And yet they are uttered to and trusted with me.

How sweet the honesty and transparency of a child's heart. How refreshing. All we know to do is to just keep laughing and loving and smiling and crying, and to take it one day at a time. There is no denying the fact that some days will be spent crumbled in sorrow, others overwhelmed with joy, and everything in between. Our grasp of one another's hand is a little tighter now as we continue to hold fast to our trust that God is in control.

What an incredible family. What a beautiful blessing.

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