Tuesday, December 13, 2011

More Life

"Why do we teach music?
Not because we expect you to major in music.
Not because we expect you to play all your life.
Not so you can relax.
Not so you can have fun.

But: so you will be human,
so you will recognize beauty,
so you will be sensitive,
so you will be closer to an infinite beyond this world,
so you will have something to cling to,
so you will have more love, more compassion, more gentleness,
more good--in short, more life."

Monday, October 31, 2011

Trick or Treat!

I have been looking forward to this night since I moved in in June.  I did not allow any scheduling conflicts, made sure my workout was early in the afternoon, and filled my pumpkin-shaped bowl with candy.  My string of little Jack-o-Lantern lights came on at 5:00 on the dot, lighting the way to my door.  After months of waiting I  finally greeted my first trick-or-treaters-- the beautiful weather brought far more than expected.  What a joy it has been to share treats with so many little ones in their creative and extravagent outfits!  I have definitely been blessed by all the sweet, little faces (disguised though they were) that rang this doorbell.

Happy Halloween!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Auburn and Gold

Holden and I spent the morning hiking through the golden aspens.

 He pulled a dead tree out of the ground.

It was the perfect birthday present.

Love you, little bro :).

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Naomi BobbiSue Lucia

My niece.

 She is perfect.

They are so happy.

She wasn't pleased with the Buff's performance against Ohio State today.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


I'm going to be an Auntie!!!!!!!!!! Heehee. I am ridiculously excited to watch Tony and Kasia introduce a new life to the world! Not to mention the fact that they are letting me be a part of her little life. She and I will have both been born in the year of the rabbit: 兔子.

I will be ayi (ah-yee). Coincidentally, I called myself "ah ah Lee" when I was learning to talk. My money is on her saying my name first :).

Go Figure

I went to school to study piano. Then I figured it would be wise to continue studies for a more "practical" degree, so I chose to complete my MA in elementary education. It was therefore my assumption that I would pursue a career as an elementary school teacher (which I will most likely still do). For now, however, I am working 40+ hours a week playing my instrument.

Love it!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I weeded the garden and mowed the lawn. Oh, how I love to play outside! It serves my heart so well.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


I am working with teenagers. A lot of teenagers.

At times they are kind and generous. At others they show a seeming lack of respect and classroom etiquette. They are full of energy, spontaneity and confusion, and are evidently ever-changing.

I have a lot to learn: names, sign language, music, culture, leadership...the list goes on.

What a great challenge.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


...I'm learning!

Deer don't care for gnomes or Delphiniums. But they like geraniums and lilies.

You have to keep an eye on squash, because it seems to suddenly be ready for harvest! And also, this is a calabalista (Mexican squash).

Tomatoes stay green for a really long time.

And some tomatoes are red, but others are yellow or orange.

It looked bigger on the plant, but harvesting young makes for tender, flavorful veggies!

You're supposed to trim the stems off of the Swiss chard.

Zwiling J.A. Henkels Signature, not to be confused with J.A. Henkel International, produce the best stainless steel silverware (especially knives).

My Baba wants to make sure that I have the very best.

I'm extremely grateful that my parents are right down the road ready to help and teach me! Now, I'm off to dig up some flowers from Mom's yard to plant in mine. Hee :).

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Sweet Kelly came home to stay. For nine, beautiful days. He fell right into step, and no one could help but adore him. During a time of emotional transition for my mom's family, he was here to help so that everything on the home front might stay on track. He spoiled my sister while her husband was off at training and stayed ready to assist by my father's side, looking to him with such admiration. If ever there were a doubt in my mind about this love, it has been swept away. So sweet is the feeling of being fully supported by my family in my love for this man.

18 months and counting...

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Thursday, July 7, 2011


I love: waking up to the birds chirping so loudly, riding my bike down the road that I first learned to ride without training wheels on, hearing the leaves rustle and the creek tumble while sharing meals with my family, waving to neighbors as they pass by because everyone waves, ringing the dinner bell and hearing others rung, watching the garden grow, never feeling lonely, and finding rest in a place that is mine. Most of all, I love spending everyday looking forward to sharing it all with the one I love.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Inch by Inch, Row by Row

I'm gonna make this garden grow. I hope...

Raspberry patch (there are a bunch of plants around the yard I can transplant to fill it in).

Future vegetable garden--digging up the stubborn grass.

Raking in some fertile soil.

The planting will begin tonight. Wee!!

Friday, June 10, 2011

To Jane: The Keen Stars Were Twinkling

The keen stars were twinkling,

And the fair moon was rising among them,
Dear Jane!
The guitar was tinkling,
But the notes were not sweet till you sung them

As the moon's soft splendour
O'er the faint cold starlight of Heaven
Is thrown,
So your voice most tender
To the strings without soul had then given
Its own.

The stars will awaken,
Though the moon sleep a full hour later,
No leaf will be shaken
Whilst the dews of your melody scatter

Though the sound overpowers,
Sing again, with your dear voice revealing
A tone
Of some world far from ours,
Where music and moonlight and feeling
Are one.

by Percy Bysshe Shelley

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Leaving Denver

I'm going to miss:
  • the Steinways
  • the bustle
  • the coffee shop
  • the mole hills disguised as mountains
  • the bicycles and long boards
  • the discussions
  • the structure
  • the parks
  • the crazies
  • the exotic
  • the trail (you know the one)
  • the innocence
  • the discoveries
  • the wonder
  • the air
Things I'm looking forward:
  • the stillness
  • the birds
  • the time
  • the colors
  • the sunsets
  • the summer air
  • the laughter
  • the music
  • the bicycle rides
  • the words
  • the family
  • the grill
  • the adventures
  • the runs
  • the anticipation
  • the new journey
  • our new home

Thursday, May 26, 2011

An Ode

Pastor Anne wrote a poem, I posted part below. Have a look :). She's so cute!

Ode to the Calvary Choir & JuBellation

You Calvary Musicians are quite unique,

Rehearsing with dedication week after week.

Your directors take your talent and with a few tweaks,

You sing and you ring with skilled technique.

Now Kevin tells me that he expects a lot out of you singers,

And the warm-ups he puts you through include a few ringers…

Like One, One-Two-One, One-Two-Three-Two-One and Six-Seven-Eight-Seven-Six,

Singing and counting backwards – at least now you can add that to your bag of tricks!

So I thank each and every one of you that is so dedicated to the Calvary Choir,

Because when you sing, the Spirit of the Living God does indeed transpire.

Sunday after Sunday, your pastoral staff knows much time and heart is required,

And we couldn’t do what we do – without you – so please don’t all of you retire!

Especially – you – Miss Austina Lee – as we need your gifts on piano and flute,

Accompanying rehearsals and leading sectionals – with your “Please and Thank You” – so cute.

I’m always impressed how early you show up, with a smile, for the 8:15 service,

And that your selections – like Shine, Jesus Shine, this past week – are picked with great purpose.

It’s amazing all that you do given that Kevin throws things at you left and right,

Your easy-going and willing spirit is, week after week, such a bright light.

Now, as one who works with Mr. Kevin Padworski each and every day,

I sympathize with all of you musicians having to deal with his idiosyncratic ways…

What with his perfect pitch, music theory nerdiness, and all those instruments he plays…

And how giddy he gets about organ pipes and discovering new songs of praise,

But the truth is Kevin – you are so gifted and giving – that you blow us all away.

I know that you rehearse on Wednesdays sooooo very late at night,

Which makes what you do even more impressive – you are dedicated – outright.

Calvary Musicians – I’m so grateful for your talent and time,

Without you, our worship wouldn’t be nearly so sublime…

Know that you are appreciated and that you have been greatly gifted by the Lord,

I look forward to all the music you have yet to make and will relish every chord.

~Anne M. Jernberg

Friday, May 6, 2011

Well, Shucks

Remember that feeling when you and your best friend planned an epic play date and got all excited about getting to hang out, but then were shot down by your parents saying "not today, sweetie." Yeah, Kel and I experienced that sort of deflation today--maybe just a bit more intense.

He found out this morning that they are not going to be able to approve his pass to come home for my graduation. Darn! Disappointment is such a bummer--I was so looking forward to getting to celebrate the end of my college career with him by my side, and more importantly for him to get to meet all of my extended family that will be making the journey out here.

He won't always be this far away, and we won't always have such little control over these situations. The poor guy that informed him of his pass being denied has missed two of his children's graduations for similar reasons...

I shed a few tears of disappointment, reflected on how fortunate we are in our love, and now I will continue to look forward to seeing him in July.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Monday, May 2, 2011

Sunday, April 24, 2011

The End

This morning during children's time, Todd interactively told the story of Christ's resurrection to the children in the congregation. They had a surprising knowledge of events surrounding the Easter story. The best part was at the end when he asked, "So, how did the story end?" And a little girl responded, "it didn't."

Amen and amen.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Growing Up

I have officially begun applying for teaching positions. It is new, exciting, terrifying, and so much more. But soon I will be grown up and need a job with benefits, so why not get health care doing what I love!?

Wednesday, March 16, 2011