Saturday, October 23, 2010

Things that made this morning's run so beautiful:

  • the cool fall air
  • the vibrant colors of the trees
  • kicking leaves up
  • the prairie dog with a giant butt wagging his tail at me from his burrow
  • the creek
  • little guys playing football with dad
  • the dirt trail
  • the sun rays through the clouds
  • the time to process the many things on my mind
  • the smiles and "good mornings" of people walking and running the opposite direction
  • meeting dogs
  • Coldplay
  • being alone
  • finishing under my goal time
  • a new trail
  • after the first six miles, the trail spit me out at a Starbucks, so I stopped for a quick stretch/coffee/giant cup of water break
  • pushing through though the last two miles were uphill
  • encouraging texts from Kel
  • coming home to lots of water and a long, hot shower

1 comment:

kei-chi said...

Sounds like a lovely run! Glad you are taking time to appreciate the small things in life:)