Wednesday, February 3, 2010

It is so hard to sleep Wednesday nights.

Today was filled with discipline issues. And I mean FILLED. I dealt with 8 year olds punching, kicking, hitting, teasing, and throwing rocks, and lying about it. I dealt with students blatantly refusing to follow simple directions, and destroying things in the classroom as protest. And I dealt with being humiliated in front of my peers by my professor who thought that my friends and I were not "paying attention to anything going on in the class." I would feel bad if she had legitimate reason, but she doesn't. Nor did either of the professors model the sort of disciplinary action they have taught us to implement with our students.

I know that everyone is tired and exhausted and overwhelmed, but I do not see any way that it is fair for that to be an excuse to take it out on another person. I just don't. I have been yelled, and I mean yelled, at more times in the past month than the rest of my life combined (excluding from my dad). I'm tired too, people; making me feel like crap is not helping anyone!!

I am so over wiping away tears on my way home. Thank God for the many things that keep me grounded.

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