Thursday, July 9, 2009

Home sweet home.

I got to move into my new apartment yesterday :-). It's actually Shazia's apartment, and I moved in with her. I am so excited to be here!! I sat down and looked out my window to see ducks swimming down the creek this morning. So sweet.

Getting in here, however, was quite the adventure. My mom drove up with a trailor and her and I moved my stuff in while Shaz was at work. We live in the top corner apartment, and when we arrived we realized that the elevator wasn't working. Perfect. So, macho mom and I carried all of my furniture (thank goodness the dresser was the heaviest thing) up the tight staircase--what a sense of accomplishment! Anyway, it was 92 degrees out and it took hours longer than we were expecting, but Michael showed up to to help just in time, as we were getting exhausted quickly.

A cold beer was much appreciated by the end of the day.

Now, I have a sweet little room that is my dream room complete with colorful curtains and a fun desk. All that hard work makes me appreciate it that much more.

Thanks for all your help, Mom!!


Alli said...

Yay! It's done and it's perfect for you.

So happy.

Austina said...


Kasia said...

we have the best tough chicks in our family :] we don't need no boys to move! i wish i had known but i don't know if i would have been any help, killer session with the trainer leaving all things quads related extremely painful and slow haha

Austina said...

Haha. Then it's probably good you didn't--those stairs would have been the end of you and your quads.