Monday, February 2, 2009

Put in my place.

Months of hard work and hours spent in practice rooms came to a culmination yesterday, as I played Beethoven's first piano concerto for three judges on a nine foot Steinway, in one of the best recital halls in the country. 

The performance was a lot of fun, and it was so encouraging to have Shazia on stage with me, and Tim sitting back stage. He was there, waiting for and offering moral support through all three of my performances.

Six hours later, as the E Street Band was performing at halftime, I received a text telling me that we didn't place, let alone win. I was up against all instruments from sophomores through artist diplomas. Did I really think I had a chance?

As the disappointment settled, I reminded myself that this is not what I will be doing with my life, and that it is okay not to have played the best.

But everything was put in perspective and made worthwhile when I came home to this email from my biggest fan:

Mei mei,

I am very proud of your performance and your hard work in preparation. You did your best and thats all you can ask for.


1 comment:

Alli said...

I'm really starting to love this man.