Sunday, July 15, 2012

Reverse 911

OK, I know, I'm a bit late on posting about the fire.  Better late than never, right?

Kelly and I were driving home from my PLACE exam (which is another story in and of itself) when we saw the plume of smoke rising behind Mount Blodgett.  Occasionally the Air Force Academy conducts controlled burns on its property so I brushed it off.  Then we saw it; the sign that read "Fire in Waldo Canyon.  Do not call to report."  WHAT!?  There's a fire in Waldo Canyon??  Thus began a week of being glued to the news 24/7, following every move the fire would make.

On a side note, it is more challenging than you might think to type while eating a Popsicle.  Just sayin'.

After several days of watching the fire grow larger and nearer the unthinkable happened:  it jumped Queens Canyon.  Until then we had no real expectation of an evacuation because the flames remained ridges away.  The time did come, however, to pack our belongings.  It was amazing to realize how little we needed from the house--safety was truly our priority.  So, we packed up and headed to my big sister's place.  It was actually a rather fun adventure spending time with her-- you would be amazed at the ability my nine month old niece had to diffuse any tension and anxiety.

Several homes burned.  Thousands more could have.  I cannot begin to describe the magnitude of the efforts and victories of the fire fighters.

Four days later we returned home with grateful hearts, and a relieved sister.

Things I took away from the experience:
* Things are just things.
* Home is not defined by a structure.
* Family, family, family.
* You won't regret packing a portable air conditioner if evacuated during 100+ degree weather..
* I live in an awesome community and have incredible friends.

Thank you to all of those who offered their homes to us.  And thank you to all those first responders and soldiers who kept us safe.

June 24, 2012

June 25, 2012

June 26, 2012

There is much, much more that I could say.  Mostly, we're just happy to be home.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Hi there!

I'm still here :).  There is so much to say, but I'd rather basque in the sweet evening air and listen to my sweetie make music.  

For now, just know that I am blissfully happy.  I've got it all: The dream guy.  The dream job.  The dream home.  And a whole lot of hard work and service staring back at me.

God is so good.  All the time.

Oh.  And I've got the dream family.