Thursday, May 26, 2011

An Ode

Pastor Anne wrote a poem, I posted part below. Have a look :). She's so cute!

Ode to the Calvary Choir & JuBellation

You Calvary Musicians are quite unique,

Rehearsing with dedication week after week.

Your directors take your talent and with a few tweaks,

You sing and you ring with skilled technique.

Now Kevin tells me that he expects a lot out of you singers,

And the warm-ups he puts you through include a few ringers…

Like One, One-Two-One, One-Two-Three-Two-One and Six-Seven-Eight-Seven-Six,

Singing and counting backwards – at least now you can add that to your bag of tricks!

So I thank each and every one of you that is so dedicated to the Calvary Choir,

Because when you sing, the Spirit of the Living God does indeed transpire.

Sunday after Sunday, your pastoral staff knows much time and heart is required,

And we couldn’t do what we do – without you – so please don’t all of you retire!

Especially – you – Miss Austina Lee – as we need your gifts on piano and flute,

Accompanying rehearsals and leading sectionals – with your “Please and Thank You” – so cute.

I’m always impressed how early you show up, with a smile, for the 8:15 service,

And that your selections – like Shine, Jesus Shine, this past week – are picked with great purpose.

It’s amazing all that you do given that Kevin throws things at you left and right,

Your easy-going and willing spirit is, week after week, such a bright light.

Now, as one who works with Mr. Kevin Padworski each and every day,

I sympathize with all of you musicians having to deal with his idiosyncratic ways…

What with his perfect pitch, music theory nerdiness, and all those instruments he plays…

And how giddy he gets about organ pipes and discovering new songs of praise,

But the truth is Kevin – you are so gifted and giving – that you blow us all away.

I know that you rehearse on Wednesdays sooooo very late at night,

Which makes what you do even more impressive – you are dedicated – outright.

Calvary Musicians – I’m so grateful for your talent and time,

Without you, our worship wouldn’t be nearly so sublime…

Know that you are appreciated and that you have been greatly gifted by the Lord,

I look forward to all the music you have yet to make and will relish every chord.

~Anne M. Jernberg

Friday, May 6, 2011

Well, Shucks

Remember that feeling when you and your best friend planned an epic play date and got all excited about getting to hang out, but then were shot down by your parents saying "not today, sweetie." Yeah, Kel and I experienced that sort of deflation today--maybe just a bit more intense.

He found out this morning that they are not going to be able to approve his pass to come home for my graduation. Darn! Disappointment is such a bummer--I was so looking forward to getting to celebrate the end of my college career with him by my side, and more importantly for him to get to meet all of my extended family that will be making the journey out here.

He won't always be this far away, and we won't always have such little control over these situations. The poor guy that informed him of his pass being denied has missed two of his children's graduations for similar reasons...

I shed a few tears of disappointment, reflected on how fortunate we are in our love, and now I will continue to look forward to seeing him in July.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Monday, May 2, 2011