Saturday, October 30, 2010

Reverse Trick-or-Treating

The youth at Restoration Community Church have had a heart for child slavery on the ivory coast. So, last night we participated in reverse trick-or-treating: knocking on doors and handing out candy. The kids went door to door giving neighbors free-trade chocolate explaining that 80% of the chocolate produced in the world is from cocoa beans on the ivory coast, and that there are somewhere around 12,000 child slaves who have been sold (under false pretenses) or abducted working on those farms .

(My group! Grant, Evan, Dylan, Zippy, and Macy)

We, of course, went in style.

I'm so proud to be associated with these crazies!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Playing at Lookout Mountain

Things that made this morning's run so beautiful:

  • the cool fall air
  • the vibrant colors of the trees
  • kicking leaves up
  • the prairie dog with a giant butt wagging his tail at me from his burrow
  • the creek
  • little guys playing football with dad
  • the dirt trail
  • the sun rays through the clouds
  • the time to process the many things on my mind
  • the smiles and "good mornings" of people walking and running the opposite direction
  • meeting dogs
  • Coldplay
  • being alone
  • finishing under my goal time
  • a new trail
  • after the first six miles, the trail spit me out at a Starbucks, so I stopped for a quick stretch/coffee/giant cup of water break
  • pushing through though the last two miles were uphill
  • encouraging texts from Kel
  • coming home to lots of water and a long, hot shower

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Field Trip!

Today we went to the Botanic Gardens for our Ecology lab. Yay!

Sweet Man

I put myself through a lot. I have been told in the past that the reason that I have had so many painful experiences is that I care too much. Is that a flaw?

Kelly gave me his take on this last night: We give ceaselessly because we are fulfilling our purpose, and being true to who we are. We are simply working according to God's plan, and though we may not always understand, it will be revealed to us in time.

"Maybe we're not together right now because Shazia still needs you, or Plath still needs me. Who knows?" (How gracious is this man!?)

For now, we continue to love and give, and we continue to hurt because love is not without joy and grief, and life is not life without love.

I am simply blown away by your heart, Kelly. Blown away.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Teaching Bedtime

Loud noises are coming from the child in the next room.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Friday, October 15, 2010


Katie drew a picture in class, then gave it to me :). This is her artistic reaction to budget planning. (We were studying Eisner.)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Car Payment
Plane Tickets
Running Shoes

The camera can wait. I will be patient :).

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Cam is One on 10/10/10

Turned 23 in LA

Playing on the bars.

Love those girls!

Hiking in Griffith Park with Griffin and Steph

Perfect day at the beach.

Chocolate cake.

Owl hat. Awesome.

View from the hike.

Swinging monkey style.

Climbing the rope to the sky.

Santa Monica