Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Some day I will get married, and this will be my side of the wedding party :).

Monday, June 14, 2010


Lot's of stairs. A mile of them. Up up up.

We chose to run down Barr Trail, though, instead of tumbling down the stairs (eh-hem: Holden).

Sunshine on the bottom...

so pretty...

stairway to heaven?

very cloudy at the top.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Keg Kickball

A game that is very similar to regular kickball, except for home plate is replaced with a keg. Rules are as follows: 1. A player must have a beer in his or her hand at all times, even in the field. Under no circumstances may a player set down his beer. 2. When coming up to kick, a player must fill his or her beer, and the beer must be finished immediately after making an out. If the player gets on base, he or she must completely finish the beer before crossing home plate. If the beer cannot be finished, the player is allowed to throw the beer in his face while going from third base to home. 3. All disputes are settled byjousting, which involves two players filling their cups and standing directly across from each other. The players then charge each other, beers held outward, and slam the other player in the chest with the cups. The player with the most beer left in his cup wins the dispute. Other than the above changes, regular kickball rules apply.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

My Church Family

Aka: my Denver family. I don't even know where to begin....I am so just so, flippin grateful for their love and serving hearts.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I woke up this morning dreading the fact that I had to go to my annual girl appointment. So, when I got there and was told that my doctor was out of the office and that I would have a male doc I've never met, I was not thrilled. But I smiled and sat (though my gut wanted to RUN). I figured I'd give him the benefit of the doubt--maybe he's hot (is that bad?) and normal, and it will be fine. Just as I settled into this thought, in walks Grandpa Alexander talking to me like I was 8. LET ME OUT OF HERE! Oh well, he does this all the time, knows what he's doing--it'll be fine.

I'm sorry doc, but no, I do not want to tell you about my summer plans while you're examining my breasts. And no, I do not want to talk about graduation while you're poking and prodding down there. Can we just have a few quiet moments? Thanks.