Sunday, March 28, 2010

Cherry Valley

I arrived thinking I'd have a quiet afternoon filled with conversation with grandpa over a Pepsi. Little did I know that Grandma had spent ALL MORNING preparing a full dinner to which she had invited all the family. 25 people and a heck of a lot of Grandma's cooking later, we are fat, happy, and well loved. What an amazing treat and surprise!

I see where my mom gets her enormous heart and strength...

Saturday, March 27, 2010

I miss this.

I've really been missing playing my instrument, so thanks for letting me be a part of your recital, Katy! And congratu-frickin-lations!

Feng Shui in the Classroom

I spent last night planning, and rearranging my classroom. It was a lot of work, but I'm really excited about the finished product. I am looking forward to making a few changes within their daily routine as well. But for now, SPRING BREAK!

Here I teach mini-lessons.

They are now ALL facing the front of the room.

The group area.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Good times.

Kasia's pants, dad's jacket, my running shoes, good times.

Yeah, this was a little close for comfort.

S'more Graduation Pics


Notice what he's holding in his left hand.

Company Formation

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Better Late than Never

Finally! I just dropped off the last of my assignments for the quarter. I am not kidding you, I have written at least 150 pages over the course of the past three days. What a sense of relief to have it finished!! Now, I can focus on my students and on my teaching and tackle the rest of the teacher work sample one step/week at a time.

I'm thinking a good ol' Rio margarita is in order!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

20 minutes of sleep and 120 pages later, there is some how still work to do! My little fingers are growing weary of typing...

Sunday, March 14, 2010

BCT Graduation

Captian Rich Oakely SPC Kelly Scollin

Kelly graduated on Thursday from basic combat training at Fort Knox. It was a record winter in terms of low temperatures and snow accumulation, but they worked their tails off and made it through. Needless to say, he's looking forward to doing away with those glasses, but don't worry, Kasia, I'll be sure to keep them around :).

Friday, March 12, 2010

Perfect Trip

(aside from the food poisoning)

I am so blessed.

Friday, March 5, 2010

By: Eli

Miss Lee

Miss Lee is awsom. She lest os do a lot of stof. she is the best substitute techer aver. I love miss lee. I see her a lot at school. She is so so so so so nice. She lets os have cany. She gose to colleg. She jrengs a lot of cofey.

Well, thank you Eli. Now take a colored pencil and go back to edit :).

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Every morning...

...I make my bed. If nothing else, I have control of the cleanliness of my room.

I think I am my mother's daughter :).