Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Have I mentioned that I have absolutely incredible friends??

Cameron was crying a lot last night, which translates into a loss of sleep for me. So, Kelly and I went for a midnight stroll in the snow. It was absolutely magical! It was so peaceful, and the combination of the darkness and snowfall completely transformed the image of my neighborhood and the sweet parks it includes. Three miles of trail and the occasional stop to look up into the snowfall to allow myself to be entirely entranced provided so much healing.

During weeks like this, precious moments sometimes come at the expense of sleep--but I would argue that the rest I received on that walk was significantly more valuable than an extra hour of shut-eye.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

I really, really like to smile.
I can officially say that "this Friday" is my recital!! I'm so flippin' excited!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Friday, October 16, 2009

I am very sleepy these days...

Monday, October 12, 2009

Sunday, October 11, 2009

It truly is miraculous,

and I got to be a part of it :).  

Thank you, Shazia for allowing me to be a part of this pregnancy.  How sweet it has been to watch your unbelievable growth, strength, perseverance and faith these past 38 weeks.  You truly are amazing, and are an absolutely wonderful mother.  I so look forward to watching little Cameron grow.


38 weeks later...

...we meet Cameron Marcus "Squirt" Jenkins, and he is absolutely beautiful!

Friday, October 9, 2009

I have two hours with no schedule. Sure, I could practice more, but I think I might watch a movie and make a scarf.....

Baby is soon on his way!!!!!!!


This girl is an example of why I love my school. I have been assigned to so many people as their accompanist, and Katy really stands out. If ever I need a smile, I can go to her. We will spend hours together sight reading and playing through music just for fun.

Never have I seen anyone as excited to see me as she was Tuesday night as I walked by the rehearsal room--she almost knocked me to the ground when she came to hug me (and it wasn't like it'd been a while since we'd seen each other, we had had dinner the night before).

Anyway, yesterday I went to get my music to practice, and she had filled my locker with sunflowers and homemade toffee. Talk about putting a smile on my face!!

Love you, sweet Katy girl!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Go figure.

My accompanist backed out on me. Go figure. Three weeks before my recital. So, what do I do? I scramble and ask all of my friends to see if there is anyone that can play for me. I finally found a grad student willing. I took the music to her today and she told me that it was going to be $300. ARE YOU KIDDING ME???!!! I don't have $30, let alone $300. That's when the tears came. I have been the accompanist to bail so many people who were stranded out, and now I'm in their shoes.

Anyway, I interrupted Reggie's rehearsal, crying, because I didn't know what to do and the office has already been on my case about other recital stuff. Of course he offered to play for me. Damsel in distress kind of thing, ya know??

Anyway, it is just not very nice to leave someone hanging like that. Not one bit. But, it is also silly to worry because it's a waste of energy and things always have a way of working themselves out.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Some people...

Shazia and I went to breakfast at good ol' Cozy Cottage this morning. Considering that it is a beautiful day, several people chose to eat outside. Jeanette does NOT like having to go outside to serve people, but she doesn't let them know it.

This morning, one particular couple sitting outside were fighting the whole meal, and took off without paying.

This poor lady works her little hiney off in her breakfast nook with six tables, so for people to skip out on the check is such a disappointment... the two college girls ended up picking up the check.

Schedule for October 7, 2009

7:30 Wakeup
8:00 Gym
10:00 Breakfast with Shazia
11:30 Write two papers for class
2:00-4:00 Practice practice practice!!
4:30-9:00 Class

Then, maybe grab a beer and sleep in tomorrow! Good day :).

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Sometimes things just work out.

Between Shazia and I, we've got our work cut out for us emotionally. I think it's fair to say that we carry a lot.

Nevertheless, we continue to be taken care of, and we continue to receive continuous affirmation of our hope. So, we just keep swimming, and just keep smiling :).

Monday, October 5, 2009

Pesky Squirrel

This morning, I allowed myself to sleep in. It's been a few nights since I've gotten more than five hours of sleep, so I went to bed early and wasn't going to get up until late. Little did I know that I didn't get a say in the matter.

I woke up to my window rattling. It does that when the wind is blowing, so I just thought that a storm was moving in. The sound, however, suddenly moved closer to me, so I shot up off my pillow, looked over with my blurry vision, and saw a giant ball of puff looking up at me. Both parties startled, we both began to scurry. I toward my door, he toward my window.

(For those of you who don't know, I LIVE ON THE TOP FLOOR! The little guy had to climb the side of the building and gnaw through my screen to get in. What a rascal! )

I ran out of my room and closed the squirrel in. Shazia and I giggled about the situation for a bit before I decided that I would try to shoo him off to the balcony on the opposite side of the apartment. But when I opened my bedroom door, he was gone. Hopefully he figured out his way out of the window, and is not hiding out in my closet!

Whew! What a way to wake up...

Saturday, October 3, 2009


A good night with friends and their music...I'll sacrifice a little sleep for that. I don't go "out" often, but when I do it's to Dazzle where I am always comfortable.