Thursday, April 30, 2009

They have to grow up so young.

We had just returned after a week off from music class, so I decided to designate the first ten minutes of class to sharing stories of the new and exciting experiences that spring has brought.

The students all walked in the classroom with their new haircuts, tans, and outfits, and after re-orienting and situating themselves in my room, we dove into story time.  I watched and listened as these bright eyed children told me stories of sea turtles, grand parents, skateboards, and sleep overs; until we got to K.

She began her story by telling us that her mom had taken her and her brother to California for spring break to visit relatives.  Attempting to set an example by offering her my undivided attention, I listened as she went on to tell us, in her matter-of-fact way, that she returned home from the trip to find that her father was gone--never to return.  She received a short, manicured explanation from her mother, before being expected to carry on with the routine of life without her daddy.

Just this past week, she learned from her brother that her father had moved to Colorado from Indonesia to escape the persecution from Muslims, but since he had stayed years past the expiration of his visa, he was taken away and is no longer allowed in the United States.  


There was a brief moment of silence, then whispering, and then it began: "Was your dad really taken away?"   "Duh!  That's what she just said!"  "Is he ever coming back??"  "Are the Muslims going to kill him now?"   

It was time for me to interject: "Okay, second graders, that's enough.  Let's talk about this."

So, we went on to discuss the persecution that is faced by many Christians across the globe, and stopped to take a moment to appreciate and offer a prayer of thanksgiving for the blessing that it is to live in this country.  Their sweet little souls have yet to fully comprehend the pain and suffering of this world, but the sad, dark reality is beginning to surface in their realms.

Lord, help me to provide a loving, safe, and nurturing environment for these precious children.

Definitions are subjective...

Kalea arrived late for class today.  When asked by her classmates where she'd been, she responded that she had been in an appointment with a counselor.  

"What's a counselor?" asked Emily.

"It's someone you go to when your family is mean to you."

She is four years old.

Ending another chapter.

I finally brought myself to tell my first graders that I will not be returning next year.  Today was our last formal class together, and I have never received so many hugs.  On their knees, clinging to me, they begged me not to leave them and take music class away from them.  They told me that I would have to return to visit, and that they wanted to hang out with, and go on trips with me so that I could always be there.

My goodness, did this touch my heart!

Man down!

Someone had to do it. This morning, Ryan was that someone.   The pressure that we all feel just got to be too much, so he dropped...out of college. 

We all have days when we secretly wish we could do it--he just took one for the team.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

In the red. Again.

Darn money!!  I'm at a loss.  There just aren't enough hours in the day to get all that I need to get done done, while making enough to get through the end of the month!!  This month has four days more than I can afford.  Blast.

So what do I do??  I call up the bank of daddy and beg for a loan.  (I think that he secretly loves it when I need him.)  Without hesitation, he asked for the address of my landlord and how much I owed, then assured me that the check would be sent out by the end of the day.

Now I have another month to try to figure out how/where to come up with the money.

Oh thank God!

Sneakin' Through Cherry Creek

Laurie and I ran the Cherry Creek Sneak together this past Sunday.  It was her first race ever, and she ran the whole way!  We were both so proud of her!!  She is preparing to study in Thailand next quarter, and her studies involve extensive backpacking through the mountains.  Needless to say, she needs to be in peak physical condition-- we're getting her there!  

It was the perfect day for a race, and it was so satisfying to watch her cross the finish line and face the rest of her day with a new found enthusiasm.

The running man.

So proud!

Victory!! I found the car!!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Pitter Patter

I laid in bed for hours listening to the rain on the windows.  The sound is so sweet.  

Then I woke up this morning, looked out the window, and those rain drops had turned to snowflakes.  Classic.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


I am so tired, but so happy.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

For Mom

I had to write a paper for class explaning why it is that I have decided to become a teacher.  Here is an excerpt from it (for those friends of mine who are editors, don't judge too harshly ;-). Writing's not my forte):

All of my life, I have had the privilege of observing my mother’s life as a teacher.  I have watched as she has poured her heart and soul into her students, one precious life at a time.  I have witnessed the effort she has put in to knowing the individuals whose lives she is impacting personally:  from character traits, to interests and hobbies, to family histories and cultural backgrounds.  I am able to recall the specific attention she has paid hurting students, from providing the safe and positive environment of her classroom, to taking the time to pray with those who asked; regarding that child’s need of prayer as greater than the system’s opposition to it.  I have seen the pain inflicted upon her as cancer and gunfire have claimed the lives of some of her students.  I have also seen her display her strength by returning to the classroom day after day, no matter how difficult the previous one had been.  In doing so, she set an example of love and perseverance for her students, coworkers, and family.  I have seen the incredible sacrifice of time, money, reputation, and time spent with her family that she has made for her classroom:  All of the extra hours she has spent after school providing the best place possible for the children who needed a positive place to be;  the money that she spent for materials that the school could or would not supply; the way she has disregarded the harsh words spoken to and of her for working in the poor school district, and held strong, instead, to the truth that she was exactly where she was needed most.

I have also seen the many cards, pictures, and letters that were crafted by the small hands of her students in an effort to express their gratitude and appreciation for her love.  I’ve experienced running into her former students with her, and having them recognize and remember her for the great impact she had had on their lives. 

In addition to all that she did for her students, I watched as she raised a beautiful and successful family in the midst of a tumultuous marriage, never losing her heart for her children and students.


The example that my mother has set has ultimately led to my desire and decision to become a teacher.  I am in awe of the inspiration she has been, and the perseverance she has displayed through bad administrators, and the heart-wrenching stories that her students bring.  I have witnessed a glimpse of the tribulation that is to be had as a teacher, but also have the confidence that my passion for my students can carry me through that.   I have seen and experienced the joy of the classroom and the innocent beauty of the lives it contains.  I believe that this is where my heart is, and that I have most definitely been called—by many different voices—to be a teacher.


Tough Day.

Today's been a rocky day.  Thank goodness I have a lot of homework to keep me busy--NOT! 

Haha.  In all fairness, I get to write a paper about one of my biggest passions: teaching.  It's not all bad :-).

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I think that today is a perfect day for a little reggae!  

Thanks for sharing your music with me, Tim, it's providing opportunity for some quality booty shaking today :-).

I love that Michael Franti says, "Don't let your love be so confidential!"

My new friend.

Meet Paul.  He is an extremely talented musician, is a goof to say the least, is full of charm, and has an extremely kind heart.

I get to play pans, and go on morning runs with him.  And I must say that I am quite impressed that he follows through commitments he makes that require him waking up early--that's a rarity for a college guys.

He's a wonderful guy to have around. 

Monday, April 20, 2009


Every morning in the shower, I scrub the bottoms of my feet with my poof.  And everytime, without fail, I giggle out loud because it tickles.  I've only gotten one pedicure in my life--I'm terrified of accidentally kicking the poor person cleaning my feet!  I'm ticklish, to say the least :-).

P.S. What an extraordinarily beautiful, spring morning this is!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

A kid again!

I have just been playing with Alli's two little boys the past couple of days, and it is so much fun!  We just play and build things all day, then nap, eat, and do it some more.

E and I got distracted from going to bed last night, however, because we got involved in a very extensive pillow fight. Oops :-).

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Jenae's toothbrush is in the dishwasher.....interesting.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

This is our group...

...and I LOVE them!


My middle schoolers pushed me over the top today.  The wild behavior, the back talking, the disrespect.

I've had them for almost an entire school year now.  Is it possible that they have not gotten any better?  Or that they have gained no respect for me??

Anyway, I broke down crying as I walked out of the room to escort one of them to the principal's office, and returned with a wet face and red eyes to teach the rest.

I think I'll go for a nice, long run now.

Monday, April 13, 2009


Today I caught a small glimpse of how God shows his love for me through the people in my life.

It brought me to my knees in humility.  I am so blessed.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


I had met her once before today.  We attended a meeting together at which we were only briefly introduced;  I wouldn't have even remembered her name had I not saved it in my phone.

This evening I picked her up from her dorm, and we made the thirty minute drive to the airport-- what an amazing time that was.  Though barely knowing each other, we poured our hearts out in the sharing of our stories.  We are entirely different people with entirely different backgrounds, but our lives have collided at this point and we have thus been given the priviledge of looking forward to walking together for as long as they are joined.

She is a kind soul with a broken but healing heart.  I am so blessed to know her, and so look forward to the times that will be spent with her.

Thank you God for bringing this precious lady into my life to walk along side. 

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I'm supposed to be immune!

I spend so much time with so many different kids; aka: germs and have thus built up quite the immune system--or so I thought.  I went all winter without getting a cold, but here I am at the beginning of April with the classic sore throat, cough, and runny nose.  Wee hee! 

I'll just have to wash my hands a few extra times at work this week.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


My purpose is to bless and love all of those who enter my life.  I'm down!

How sweet is that?!